Monday, August 31, 2009

What is a Good Blog?

Web Blog or “blog” may be defined as closely similar , but not exactly the same with “diary”. Way before the dawn of the internet superhighway, people already took to writing down or recording their daily experiences, thoughts, emotions, plans and other personal encounters. This is quite familiar to most of us because many love to keep a journal of our first boyfriend, first girlfriend, first kiss, first proposal, etc. etc.

A blog, on the other hand, is a more sophisticated, more advanced way of expressing one’s inner thoughts and feelings with the intention of sharing these thoughts and feelings to the whole wide world.

Only a few years ago it was realized that a blog has the power to motivate many people and therefore it can be used as a tool to further commercial ventures. It is possible to use a blog for commercial implications since it has the power to gather resonant responses among its readers.

A good blog can not only touch other people’s lives, provide clear and relevant instructions, evoke feelings and formulate thoughts, but it can also be a very good source of a stable and reliable income.

But the question is how to write a good blog?

Hmmmm… This is quite an issue especially for people who use English as their second language. I never let this issue, though, stop me from achieving my goal.

Our main purpose for today then is to write a good blog. This blog will come in series to provide you a detailed, simple to understand instructions on how to write a good blog.

Your First Blog

Your first blog would be the toughest. Why? Most probably, at this point, you don’t know what to write about.

The internet has millions of web sites about anything and everything you can think of. This is tough because the competition of getting readers to read would be exactly as tough. However, remember that this world evolves and that nobody is created exactly the same as the other. Interests vary. The thing you think is not interesting is maybe interesting to some. And the thing you think is very interesting is maybe not interesting to others.

So, how to deal with this problem?

First, let us identify the two elements of a good blog.

1. The “something to say” or better known as the “content”.

You could never write a good blog without a good content. The content of your blog comes from the inner part of you which could be your experiences, introspect, emotions, or even the things you learned from other people or situations.

So, to be able to say something, you need to look inside you and know yourself better. Remember, a blog is something related to you. Related to you, in the sense that it has something to do about you: about your thoughts, feelings, experiences, and your aspirations.

If you want to write a blog for commercial purposes, still it is related to you because that is your purpose. We will have another topic on how to MONETIZE your blogs.

2. The “means to say it”.

Now, if it’s possible that at this point you have thought of a good topic to write about, then what you need is the means to write it.

First, you need to research about the theme of your blog. Why do this? Because you will need to know how other people view that topic. You will find out from other blogs and blog comments the public’s attitude about this particular topic. Also, by research, you will have more information and you can gauge its popularity.

Remember, you need readers and getting readers to read your blog is a tough competition in the market today. So, if you write about “How to bake a cake”, chances are millions of other writers have already covered it.

Unless, you have a truly unique, out of this world recipe for a cake, then maybe you will have some edge in getting your desired readers.

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