Monday, August 31, 2009

How To Say It

Since you now have some understanding on what to say and the means to say your blog, then let’s try the “how to say it”. Saying it in the right way can jumpstart your career as a writer.

In this section, we will be dealing on the do’s and don’ts in writing a good blog.

When you start writing, try to relax and feel comfortable with your surroundings. Summon your energy from within and focus it on the task at hand. Writing to some is easy, but to most it is not. Especially if English is only a second language, there are a lot to consider: grammar, punctuations, spelling, comprehensiveness, cohesiveness, etc. etc.

Write your blog as if you are telling a story directly in front of your readers. This is to make your readers feel how you feel and to establish a relationship with them. Make it understandable and always maintain relevance. If you write about “how to bake a cake”, then don’t end it with “how to discipline a cat”. Well, maybe you have remembered an experienced wherein your cat ate your freshly baked cake. But still, you have to maintain relevance.

Be lively! Enjoy your story and let your readers enjoy it too. Remember the “mixing business with pleasure” thing? Apply it here.

Check and recheck your spelling. One or two misspelled word or words is alright. But if it has become a common thing in your blog, then forget it! Use your spell check tool.

After you are done writing your blog, DON’T publish it right away. Keep it aside for a day or two. When you read it again, you will have a fresh eye and weakness in your article would be easier to detect.

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